What calor! It is very hot, but girls did not seem to suffer too: they do not spend their whole day long spread on the linoleum floor in search of a bit of freshness and the only day when I had made available a block of ice wrapped in a towel, they did not care ...
must I also say that the advantage of not being on the top floor, so I have a balcony similar to mine and just above that serves "visor cap.
The sun never tap directly on the glass or walls, except late in the day, there is double glazing and I use the classic recipe: let the blind and semi-lowered the window ajar all night and from 8:30 to 9:00, all windows are closed to maintain freshness.
To be sure they hydrate well, my nénette have a bowl of cool water that I change my morning and evening, eat the greenery moist and small servings of fruits and vegetables rich in water like cucumber they liked both, but Blue has made it difficult on melon (I must say that, having eaten myself, frankly it was not terrible taste).
NB: Do not forget to remove the seeds are toxic to rabbits And there, starting tonight and for the next two weeks, we are at my parents in an old house with large, thick walls that keep the freshness really well and the weather right now, it's a real pleasure. Happiness in anticipation
taste too: there is the vegetable and salads, hazelnut, green grass to nibble on ... yum short but good!