Sunday, August 9, 2009

Watch South Park Subtitled Online

the floor

Our floor is made of rustic red pine boards 8''wide with an oiled finish. We have cut ourselves (because they arrived in length from 16 feet, which was within completely impossible to climb the stairs!), dyed, oiled and polished, and finally installed! 1200 square feet, it makes the boards! There were some that were drying on the walls everywhere! Any logistics! Board music!

Melanie and Theresa who gave the first layer of oil, while Robert is away for cutting boards and Luke actually handling. The next day, Ginette and Rene came to take over.

Natasha and Melanie each polished boards.

Installing the floor: hallelujah, we will not see this filthy floor of painted plywood and dirty!

But installing a floor (or any other task construction!) In a house inhabited by a succession gymnastics and causes a mess and continuous infinity!

But we cheer, it packs the tools and bulky items and we imagine what it will look when all is finished:

Tadam! This is our beautiful floor!


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