Saturday, April 24, 2010

Portable Cable Tvtuner

Newsletter May-June 2010

Paranormaliens, paranormaliennes,
Flamboyants, sharp as ice skates! MAGNIFICENT! Those who wanted dance were not tricked into coming to see the set of Miss Duckin electro dark. In Purgatory, the prosecution always full to the playroom on fire. That quality people;-D, a nice mix of genres. Thanks to you, the first to FETISHBOX far exceeded our expectations.

A big thank you to Lionel D, Clara, Erik, and Miss Duckin skeud, Fab, Rub, Maeline, Poulain and Ben. Here is the link to the photo gallery of Fetishbox I:
This done, we still talk this site and this blogspot. It is brand new, it just happened, and we are proud to submit it, hoping it will serve you and help us. There are artists to discover, to spend nights with open eyes, is a world, a world-cons.
The purpose is not to promote nor to become like the mainstream has become the gay community, but simply being there, we live a richer culture than willing to say the shots and we do ask no questions on any public or social legitimacy. Fetish, bod mods, SM players, shibari addicts, Vampyres, it is Rock n Roll, it does demand no permission it takes the right. Thinking, doing, having the air, stretch that out to become an extension of us and not vice versa. no mysteries to hide here, we are not in geek but occultists among experimenters new patterns and lovers of ancient and futuristic aesthetic.

Sincerely Voutré


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