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At No. 74 of the famous "Canebière" Marseille was opened July 5, 1935 cinema news chain "Cineac" under the aegis of qotidien "Le Petit Marseille".
The proposed 500-seat projections continuously from 9:00 am until midnight!
The monumental facade was fitted with neon signs that attracted the audience to him on a trip around the world through these news reports.
© SIAF Paper / City of Architecture and Heritage / Archive of Architecture of the twentieth century - Cliché Anonymous
A digression is necessary to specify that the activity film at that address is in fact well before the birth of Cineac ...
Indeed, in January 1913 had opened an establishment at that location taking place in both cinema and cafe, called "Empire Film".
Photo Royalty free (public domain)
Stock photo right (field public)
Cinema is therefore in force at this address in 1935, with the transformation of the place by the architects Peter and Adrienne Gorska Montaut and the Birth of "The Little Cineac-Marseille.
A dramatic event will mark the existence of Cineac: indeed, a bombing destroyed the building May 27, 1944, causing many casualties among the crowd who had taken refuge in the lobby of the cinema ...
After reconstruction, it reopened its doors August 22, 1945, and directing its programming to documentaries and cartoons, being renamed "Cineac-Canebière.
In the years that followed, the Cineac is slowing, and this is a new ultra modern 600-seat that replaces February 15, 1967.
Became a first-run cinema, the new "Cineac-Canebière" continues to offer sessions in the morning in a room with a gorgeous wide screen and equipped with air conditioning.
Curiously, a complete reversal takes place the following year: from April 1968, "Cineac-Canebière" abandons the formula of adopting an exclusive lineup of occasions discounted .. . The decadence
continued in 1980 when the hall is divided into three to give birth Feb. 12 to a complex called "Cin'Ac", open from 10:00 to midnight, offering mainly a series of programming based Z. ..
The inevitable happened ...
Amid the carnage among the general rooms Marseille during the 80s, the "Cin'Ac" bowing out in 1988, sixty-five years after the onset of the first moving pictures in No. 74 of the Canebière !
Screenshot © Google Maps
The location of the former cinema is now occupied by the store of a chain of drugstores.
Location: Marseille (13) - 74, The Canebière
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