Friday, October 16, 2009
Crips And Bloods Against Surenos
Our pool is not a fish pond for fish while stupid, is also an ornamental pond. And who will be on a balcony outside. An outdoor pool in town on a balcony, terrace or small garden that is not very common. As it is also an ornamental pond, it must be beautiful and tranquil.
For design, we therefore have to comply with several rules: the fish must be able to live long, aquatic plants must be able to push, the interview should be very limited, the space occupied by the basin should be small, the pond fish must remain in place even in winter, and do not meet problem in summer.
Our passion is the ornamental pond fish , no maintenance!
So we just put 2 small goldfish.
plants were selected from banks. We think they are very resistant and are used to grow very well in our climate.
was not set pump, waterfall or filtration that require electrical installations. Our fish pond is natural and totally organic.
We chose a preformed container rot.
It has plants that provide shade and allow the fish to protect themselves.
We conducted a design that takes into account the aspect decorative fish pond and also the available space.
You describe it all in our different tickets. Good day everyone. Enjoy river by then!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Hindi Meaning Of Neptune
Watch South Park Subtitled Online
Melanie and Theresa who gave the first layer of oil, while Robert is away for cutting boards and Luke actually handling. The next day, Ginette and Rene came to take over.
Natasha and Melanie each polished boards.
Installing the floor: hallelujah, we will not see this filthy floor of painted plywood and dirty!
But installing a floor (or any other task construction!) In a house inhabited by a succession gymnastics and causes a mess and continuous infinity!
But we cheer, it packs the tools and bulky items and we imagine what it will look when all is finished:
Tadam! This is our beautiful floor!
Is Smart Mouth Bad For You
We must then install the floor before the last and final layer of plaster, a lime plaster. Indeed, we hope that the plaster finishes on the floor and there is no molding on the ground, to make them look more modern home. This will involve protecting floors impeccably because lime stain the wood, which we have had the experience, since there was a little lime in the third layer of plaster ... And lime, although in tiny quantities, burning hands ... The gloves are a must! ;-)
In Plaster clay, clay used as binder to particles of sand that gives strength to the plaster. The plaster is composed of sand, straw (from switchgrass to be more precise, a straw that breaks up easily in the blender), clay and water. The last layer before coating with lime also contains lime, to facilitate the accession of the final coating.
coarse sand for the first and second layers
sand for the 3rd layer
In the first layer, the sand used is very coarse, it must contain grains of variable size, some up to 4 or 5 mm. This allows a thicker layer of plaster, a layer of about 2 to 3 cm. This sand is rather difficult to find, we finally found a company that manufactures concrete blocks.
In subsequent layers, the sand is refined and therefore the texture of the plaster on the wall too. The layers are thinner, but smoother. And techniques to make a mechanical grip on the plaster are becoming more sophisticated too.
The exact mix of various ingredients vary depending on the quality of the clay you have. Sylvie Please us greatly helped to determine the exact quantities to use to get a good recipe and also to organize to be effective on the job. Indeed, when we did the exterior plaster, we used the advice that we had gleaned here and there, but we made several errors that made us lose precious time and energy. First, we should use a mortar mixer (not concrete) rather than a drill press and seal. This allows for quantities of plaster much larger and provide a larger team of workers. Then we really do not put enough sand, which is found in greater quantity in the mix all other ingredients, which caused many cracks in our plaster and forced us to give a second layer ...
corners rounded edges of windows
For this third layer, we could begin to cover the window frames made of plywood plaster. First we sanded the corners, so that it is easier to round them off later, and we then covered with mortar to create mechanical grip for the plaster.
If you're thinking build a house of straw and you have any questions, please! And do not underestimate the time to do the plastering. If the walls of straw do you think long, you have not seen anything to the plaster! It takes a lot of time and patience ... and help!
Refinance Does Bank Matter
Robert and installs the ceiling!
What teamwork!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Presario Coprocessor Driver
There is no need to change often pond water for fish . Once equilibrium is established in the pond for fish, water ornamental pond need not be changed. A bit like a natural pool. Just add water from time to time depending on evaporation and thus outdoor temperature. It is possible to use water "used" pool of fish to water the plants balcony, terrace or garden without problem. That same advice we give you. In a future article we will explain what trick is used to retrieve water from the basin without disturbing the fish too. What you should know is that this water is very rich and is a very good fertilizer fertilizes very useful the land of your pots. So any profit. Of course once you withdraw a certain amount of water ornamental pond to water your plants, consider again the water level is better for the fish!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Washing Cocaine Benzocaine
We returned from vacation. Pond water fish has declined about 5 inches in 2 weeks. No problem for fish because the water depth that remains is at least 35 centimeters. In addition, apart from this evaporation, there were no problems and fish as aquatic plants are thriving. The plants are well advanced and the sudden appearance of our ornamental pond is even more beautiful. We will return the water level tank and off you go again for at least 15 days without adding water.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Snowboarding Rail Weld
one year ago today we left our little nest, our cherished tipi, and we live in a construction site: one year where we lived without electricity and partly no running water, a year when we lived in straw, bait, boxes, dust, sawdust ... and the worst is that this is not finished yet!
We put you pictures shortly of the dye and the installation of paneling on the ceiling. For now, we started the installation of plaster of clay and lime, for the third and penultimate layer inside.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Online Hse Certification Programme
We are finally connected virtually on the large canvas.
You should find space on all the information about our current and future projects.
For any additional information, I invite you to contact us:
- by email
- by phone 06 50 29 89 46
Can Plan B Extend Your Period
A) Company Overview Company
DésArtmélés aims to teach transmit, convey a responsible attitude and an awareness of interdependence by promoting interaction and creative expression, individual / group to a wider audience. For this
Company DésArtmélés has several actions:
- "The PUPPET TRAVELS " , summary Project here.
- " CIRCUS AND EXPRESSION " , project summary here.
- "circomotricity " The circus for toddlers, here.
- "OBJECTS IN MOTION" , project summary here.
- Awareness Art Project Nature : "Discover the culture and Australian Aboriginal art : the DIDGERIDOO and PAINTING " , here for more info .
- Shows and Animations with:
- "CIRCUS FOR ALL" : workshop festive introduction to the magic of circus arts for all types of audiences and events (outdoors or indoors ) , here for more info.
- Training of educational actors to Circus Arts (teachers, educators, youth leaders and anyone wishing to use the circus as a tool for global education) here for more info.
a) General objectives :
- "Know How" or skills Motor and psychomotor:
- develop body awareness through movement through the pleasure of movement in the motor expression, the relationship to space and time, sense of rhythm, working in conjunction with other (contact), the development of psychomotor skills (overall coordination and segmental , mechanical factors of executions : strength, flexibility, endurance, spatial orientation).
- "Knowing how to be / become" , or interpersonal skills:
- develop creativity : capturing the imagination with games and exercises, stimulate creativity through art and vice versa,
- develop sociability : learning to work with each other, to listen, to receive and give constructive criticism , to be built in groups, develop
- expression and communication : fostering free expression and spontaneous communication in all its forms (verbal and nonverbal), learning to gain distance from oneself to dare in front of others, before an audience.
b) Method: A teaching
noncompetitive , stimulating and accessible to all. A fun
allowing gradual learning of different techniques, generating the imagination and creativity .
A collective work putting practitioners with each other for that if they learn to each other, but also for each other. And that 'thus arose the respect and confidence in each other.
C) Presentation of the speakers
- Pamela Fattorini , professor of Italian nationality, graduate of the University "La Sapienza" of Rome in Oriental languages and cultures (Chinese and Japanese), with experience and education Working several years in China. Practicing and teaching Chinese since 1999. Member of Cyclown Circus clown doctor and member of the association "The Carovana dei Sorrisi", studied puppetry with Gabriele Gelatt, Adrian Bandirali, Valentina Baldazza, Laura Kilb etc. .. Uses puppets for learning foreign languages and cultures since 2003. Passionate about Aboriginal painting for almost 10 years.
- Patrice Jorrey , artist and educator, graduated from the Circus School of Brussels in teaching circus arts, long experience of teaching in rural Waldorf, Animator Ombudsman Theatre Amateur, speaking and teaching methodology applied to the circus arts at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", practicing and teaching circus arts with all types of audiences (the disabled, CEF, ...) in France, Belgium and Italy since 2001 . Didgeriddo enthusiast for over 10 years.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Switch Active Or Neutral
So now, the shower is now complete. I had to start over because we were not satisfied with the first test, but this time it succeeded! The floor and back wall are stones river. There is also a small niche in rollers to deposit bottles. The ceiling is paneled in cedar oil, like all the bathroom beyond.
Then we built dls two bedrooms and bathroom upstairs. It remains now to draw the joints, floors and walls to install at painting.
Right now, we're dying to ask the beams and wainscoting to the ceiling of the ground floor. And soon we begin the third layer of plaster inside. We will give you fresh news!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Community Service Reference Sample
You once said that we did not put equipment in our pool for fish that require an electrical connection. But this time we still wanted to establish a aquarium pump that was recovered from grandma.
It is not for filtration because our ornamental pond works very well without filtration for a year now. And the water is of very good quality, it is very clear. We clearly see the fish that do not complain about the quality of water and are in very good shape!
is to make a waterfall. So we just connected the pump, put the pump in water and positioned a pipe bubbler aquarium filter pump outlet with the other end of pipe out of the water. Thus, water is sucked into the filter pump, pushed into the transparent tube waterfall and spring, with a fountain effect at the center of the pond to fish. it's been a pretty small and creates a rustle, like the sound of a small waterfall or a stream. It's very nice.
After unplugging it little and put away the outer extension of. Il faut aussi dire que notre installation est dans une loggia sans risque de pluie dessus. It still ranks all, except the pump, when not in use for some time.
The installation of the pump is underwater and unseen. We positioned the hose so it does not show. The hardest thing to do is take a position that creates the most beautiful waterfall and noise most enjoyable.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Dry Cough For 5 Days Baby
Cause Of Blood Blister On Tonsil
The kitchen is the most advanced part of the house. It remains only to ask the ceramic floor and backsplash, and then ask the kicks.
is the result:
the overview
The butcher block
and small laundry area that sits in the kitchen.
Despite the opinions shared by all, me I am very happy that it is located in the kitchen!
It's so convenient!